7 Best Lower Back Pain Exercises You Can Do At Your Office Desk

Standing hamstring stretch: Place the heel of your injured leg on a stool about 15 inches high. While rest is the most effective way to treat minor pain, doing the right kinds of exercises can often help prevent its recurrence. Lie on your back with the knees bent and the feet flat on the floor. So instead of doing endless crunches, it's much better to practice a routine that targets all the muscle groups of the core equally while keeping the spine in a protected, neutral position.

Core exercises can be a great help in stabilizing and strengthening your lower back. Extension exercise: Lie face down on the floor for 5 minutes. Finally, raise your left arm overhead and your right heel off the floor at the same time, lower them and reverse, raising your right arm overhead and lifting your left heel off the floor; alternate five times.

Lie on your stomach with your arms touching your sides and your legs pressed together on the floor. You should feel your shoulders begin to lift away from the floor. Press knees, toes, and elbows into the mat as you lift your hips up to the height of the shoulders.

3. Lean forward toward the chair and fully stretch your back leg, firming the muscles from foot to hip. Depending on the cause and intensity of your pain, some exercises may not be recommended and can be harmful. Abdominal muscles must remain contracted during these exercises (see "Abdominal Contraction" above).

The authors conclude that NZ exercises decrease pain intensity by unloading the spine. Transversusabdominis (TrA), lumbar multifidi, and other paraspinal, abdominal, diaphragmatic, and pelvic musculature are targeted in core stabilization exercises. The following exercises are among the safest for the lower back, and they comprise a well-rounded core-strengthening routine.

Raise the right leg and left arm simultaneously, trying to separate them and lengthen your spine. 1 Axial Lower Back Pain: The most common type of back pain, this refers to back pain that doesn't travel, can be either sharp or dull, is sometimes severe enough to limit movement and often worsens with activity or position.

When you have chronic back pain, exercise is often easier with a splash because the water minimizes stress on the back, according to Dr. Stern (no wonder it's one of the best exercises for your body that you can do ). The buoyancy of water counteracts the gravitational pull that can compress the spine,” he writes.

Hold for one second, then slowly lower yourself back down to the floor. Repeat the exercise by extending your left arm and right leg simultaneously. 1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Pelvic floor and other core muscles engaged.

Keep abdominal muscles tight while slowly bending both knees to 45°. Repeat the exercise 10 to 12 times. Also, try to center the spine through core-strengthening exercises. If your symptoms are not changing or worsening as you press up, you may need to try the prone press up with hips off-center To do this, simply lie on your stomach and slide your hips to one side and your feet to the opposite side.

Similar to the stretching exercises listed above, back-strengthening exercises can do more harm than good if performed improperly or with an existing injury. Keep your knees in line with your feet and your feet in line with your hips. lower back pain Flexibility exercises to safely stretch the lumbar extensors, hip extensors and hip flexors should be incorporated two or more times per week.

Hold for five long breaths; release and repeat two to three times. Lie on your back and hug both knees into the chest. Quadruped arm and leg raise: Get down on your hands and knees. After returning to the starting position, arch your spine upward, away from the floor.

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